
My Name is


Know Me

About me

Cryptography and CyberSecurity Enthusiast

I am a final year B.Tech Computer Science student enrolled at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology. I am working to produce a good research in the field of Cryptography. I have a very good cyber-security background, and profound knowledge of offensive and defensive security capabilities. Here are some Technical Proficiencies I have till now:

  • Languages: Python, Bash, C/C++, JavaScript, MarkDown
  • Research: Secure Multiparty Computation, Homomorphic Encryption,
  • Databases: MongoDB, MySQL
  • Tools: Git, Maltego, Metasploit, Wireshark, ns2, Gns3, Cisco Packet Tracer
  • Tech: Full-Stack Development, App Development, Machine Learning
  • Cryptographic Libraries: SEAL, TFHE, MOTION/MOTION2NX

Tech Projects


Check out my Python projects here.


Check out my Javascript/React projects here.


Check out my C++ projects here.


Check out my HTML projects here.

My Hobbies


Books help me create a whole new world for myself!

Reading literary fiction gives me a lovely feeling which can't be compared to any other thing. The feeling I get when I stay in bed on a beautiful day just to finish a book is beyond words and reading gives me an escape from my unsettling moods and helps me jump into an unexpected journey.



Penning down my thoughts gives me solace!

Writing poetry takes a snapshot of my emotions and mind right there and then. Whenever I get distracted by the external sources, writing helps me to look within myself. It lets my hidden thoughts to come out and make me aware of them. It reflects back on what I was thinking that I wrote a poem about it.


Paper Craft

There is a story behind every craft!

There are a lot of tasks I am supposed to complete on a regular basis. Once I've finished a craft project, I experience the same joy that I feel when I achive any goal. This feeling of completion, along with the mastery that comes from participating in the same hobby for an extended period of time makes me more confident in my abilities overall.



What I dream, I design!

Whenever I have to keep myself motivated for something, I design it and put it on my wall. This beautifies the environment and keeps me motivated which helps me achieve my goals. I also find a different kind of peace when I look at all the beautiful designs I've created.


Contact Me


+91 7009166614




Patiala, India